✨ The errors page has a new look to help you debug faster
🖥 Fullscreen mode for session replays with comments
🎨 Session recording with fancy new CSS-in-JS libraries like Stitches
🔎 Added a search bar to the Top Users table on the home page
  1. Slack notifications work for on-prem deployments
  2. Session fields deep linking now works across the whole app
  3. Made the tooltip behavior more intuitive
  4. Debounced error and session searches to improve the user experience
  5. Session cards now show the full email. If the email is too long then it will be truncated. The full email can be viewed by hovering over the truncated text and triggering the tooltip
  6. Updated Next.js integration documentation
  7. Support deep linking session segments
  8. Improved the loading state for error pages to reduce layout shift